All legacy letter and history book services, products and speaking engagements can be tailored to meet your personal and/or organizational needs and budgets. Call (414) 238-1577 or email today to set up a free consultation and estimate.
A legacy letter book is an investment that is deeply appreciated now and its value appreciates over time. As with a vacation, the cost varies from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on what you want. Costs for projects are dependent on several variables, for example – the type of services needed, the time required to complete the project, and the selected materials. Each project is custom designed, so the time involved can range from a few days to several months. Family members can split the cost and share the love generated by the project. Organizations and businesses can also share in or completely cover the costs.
Customized Memoir, Biography, Business or Organizational History Book
Cost: Quoted on request
A typical project includes 100 pages, 10” by 9” soft cover book. It includes up to ten in-person or phone interviews, one and a half hours each, recordings, transcriptions and the text of a 5,000-word book. The client can provide up to twenty electronically sent photographs and/or other graphics. A history book will include specially selected questions for each individual interviewed, photo editing, book design and layout, copy editing and printing. It generally includes two edits of the draft book and two edits of the entire book by the client before it goes to print.
We can do family reunions and other group story-telling events, or other personal and organizational history-related projects. When creating a book, you can choose different sized books and cover options.
Whatever legacy/history project you choose, the cost will be well worth the investment. You will receive a beautiful heirloom gift that can be passed down for generations to come. We would be happy to meet with you, in person or by phone, for a free consultation and estimate at (414) 238-1577 or email
We also provide auxiliary services to
help you plan and complete your own project
Editing, Layout, Design and Printing: COST $50/hour
- You’ve written your legacy letter or book and you would like someone to edit the letter before you print and share it.
- You’ve written and edited your legacy letter or book and you would like someone to edit your photographs, copy edit content, design and print your letter or book.
- You’ve written some portion of your legacy letter or book and you’re stuck and you would like someone to help you finish the project.
Transcribing: COST: $1/ minute of recording
- You have recorded your letter or interview and you need someone to transcribe the recording.
Know someone with a great story to tell? Want to help a relative, friend, colleaugue, donor or volunteer start preserving and sharing their own stories? Legacy Letters offers gift certificates so you can give the gift of a life time. Contact us today to learn more by emailing or call (414) 238-1577.
View more at
Speaking Engagements, Trainings and Presentations*
One Hour Presentation
Cost: $150 Honorarium
- Introduction to Legacy Letters
- The Philanthropic Power of Legacy Letters.
- Legacy Building Tools and Strengthening Your Law and Estate Planning Practice.
(*pricing does not include travel expenses)
Email us today at to learn more or call (414) 238-1577
Speaking Engagements, Trainings and Presentations
One Hour Introduction to Legacy Letters
COST: $150 Honorarium
- What is a legacy letter and its history?
- What is its value and personal and professional benefits?
- Why, when and how to write your legacy letter?
- Legacy letter writing tips
All workshops have thought provoking and content generating exercises and prompts that will refine content for your legacy letter. Each workshop helps you determine:
- What type of letter (s) you want to write;
- Its organization, what stories, people, values, life lessons, blessings and hopes you would like to include in the letter.
- Options to enhance the letter e.g. recipes, photographs, poetry.
- And what you want to make sure is not left unsaid.
The number of powerful writing prompts and exercises to refine content corresponds to the length of the workshop.
Two-Hour Workshop
COST: $300
$25/registered person over 10 registrants
- What is a legacy letter and its history?
- What is its value and personal and professional benefits?
- Why, when and how to write your legacy letter?
- Specialty letters and their many applications
- Refine your parameters for a legacy letter
- Identify obstacles and strategies to overcome them
Three-Hour Workshop
COST: $450
$35/registered person over 10 registrants

Legacy Letter Workshop
- What is a Legacy Letter and its History?
- What is its value and benefits?
- Why, when and how to write your legacy letter?
- Specialty letters and their many applications
- Refine your parameters for a legacy letter
- Identify obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them
- Writing and editing tips
- Art and science of productive reminiscing and effective story telling
Four- Hour Workshop
COST: $600
$40/registered person over 10 registrants
- What is a legacy letter and its history?
- What is its value and benefits?
- Why, when and how to write your legacy letter?
- Specialty letters and their many applications
- Refine your parameters for a legacy letter
- Identify obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them
- Writing and Editing Tips
- Art and science of productive reminiscing and effective storytelling
- Start to developing your own outline
- Start to develop and refine content
One-Day Retreat
COST: $1,200
$100/registered person over 10 registrants
- What is a legacy letter and its history?
- What its value and benefits?
- Why, when and how to write your legacy letter?
- Specialty letters and their many applications
- Refine your parameters for a legacy letter
- Identify obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them
- Writing and editing tips
- Art and science of productive reminiscing and effective storytelling
- Finalize a draft outline
- Begin writing your legacy letter
Weekend Retreat
Cost: $3,000
$150/registered person over 10 registrants
What is a legacy letter and its history?
- What is its value and benefits?
- Why, when and how to write your legacy letter?
- Specialty letters and their many applications
- Refine your parameters for a legacy letter
- Identify obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them
- Writing and editing tips
- Art and science of productive reminiscing and effective storytelling
- Finalize a draft outline
- Complete draft letter
COST: $3,000 – Weekend Retreat (Friday Evening – Sunday Afternoon ) $150/registered person over 10 registrants
*pricing does not include travel expenses, food or lodging
Legacy Letter Writing Classes: The length and number of classes are tailored to meet your personal and/or organizational needs and budgets.